Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nut up or shut up

OK, I may have seen "Zombieland" too many times, but I'm heading into 2K11 nutting up, or shutting up. HOW am I going to do this? Well, dear reader (hi, Mom), I've started this lame blog to try and get some brain exercise. Also, as a recent transplant to Oregon, I resolve to maximize the outdoor adventures available to me. At least to the best of my abilities... I'm not ready to summit any mountains quite yet. Drinking beer on a patio counts as outdoor adventure, right?

I have resolved to work on being patient. Patience is not a virtue I possess. I do not like waiting for anything, especially people. I am sure I can think of at least one person who would tell you that my toe-tapping impatience when I feel that I'm being delayed is irritating and condescending.

There are other miscellaneous goals, but nothing of significance. Not starting every sentence on this blog with "I," putting on real pants most days of the week. Though not every. A girl has a right to yoga pants now and then, right? So cheers, 2011. We're glad you're here so far... keep it up!

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