Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Are you a hugger? Slate has an interesting article today from a vehement non-hugger.

I am a hugger. I'm worse after a couple glasses of wine, too. Sometimes I even devolve into a snuggler. (Though I could totally be converted to the double-cheek kiss, or just the single-cheek kiss as my girlfriends in New York do.) However, I can respect that lots of people are not. The only thing more awkward than the dead-fish handshake is the dead-fish hug. The half-assed, patting-the-back, oh-god-we're-doing-this semi-embrace. Yuck.

The thing I don't like about this article is that she's made me feel like a needy puppy, pressing myself on everyone around me. Look, I know those people, and they are annoying. I don't like being lumped into one big category of HUGGERS. I try to read people's body language and emotions, and I respect the non-huggers out there. Is the onus on the hugger or the hug-ee to deflect the embrace? I'm not trying to tongue kiss you! Now come give me a squeeze.


Amber said...

I am a non-hugger. I can get a little more friendly after some Sailor Jerrys, but don't put money on it. When someone is coming in for a hug I just quickly do a hi-five. The downside to this move is that sometimes the hugger can get smacked in the face if they still go in for the kill. Serves 'em right.

Sara said...

HA! So we shall greet with a hearty high-five next time? Or probably a "gimme that live-action baby" from me!